

DTMB Terrestrial Solution

Product Brief

NationalChip offers video decoder SoC plus external DTMB demodulator solutions for DTMB markets. Demodulator supports DTMB standard demodulation while video decoder supports H.265/H.264/AVS+ etc and available in QFN or LQFP packages. All solutions are extensively deployed in China and some overseas markets.


Solution List

To purchase the dev board,please contact: Sales@nationalchip.com

两当县| 雅江县| 崇阳县| 犍为县| 通江县| 太康县| 鹤山市| 张家口市| 调兵山市| 新晃| 灵宝市| 蒲城县| 新乡县| 凉山| 承德市| 荆门市| 文昌市| 饶阳县| 商水县| 武鸣县| 铜梁县| 富顺县| 大埔区| 邳州市| 襄垣县| 白山市| 五大连池市| 四川省| 安宁市| 治多县| 海口市| 长汀县| 固原市| 石渠县| 东乡县| 唐海县| 云龙县| 河西区| 南宫市| 庆安县| 阳曲县|